Thursday Aug 04, 2016
C-Suite Insights, Episode 3: "Is Water a Human Right?" Nestlé Chairman Peter Brabeck
Less than 2 percent of the world’s fresh water supply is required for basic human needs like hydration and sanitation. How should the world manage the other 98.5 percent of what is becoming an increasingly stressed and scarce resource? The challenges are many and global, but former Nestlé CEO and current Chairman Peter Brabeck is leading the charge among world leaders by fighting to make water challenges one of the highest priority issues for the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. He’s also leading a public-private partnership known as the 2030 Water Resources Group to start addressing the individual challenges one by one, from a global to a local level. In this latest installment of Darden Ideas to Action C-Suite Insights with Dean Scott Beardsley, Brabeck discusses his views and efforts around water. He also provides unique insight into what he hopes his legacy will be at Nestlé and advice for those at the beginning of their professional careers.