Thursday Aug 04, 2016
C-Suite Insights, Episode 4: "Saving Children From Crisis in Syria" Save the Children CEO Carolyn Miles
More than 10 million Syrians are currently refugees in other countries or displaced from their homes within Syria, and more than five million of those people are children, according to Save the Children President and CEO Carolyn Miles. University of Virginia Darden School of Business Dean Scott Beardsley sat down with Miles, a 1988 Darden graduate, to discuss the biggest issues facing the safety and wellbeing of children in the world today as well as how organizations like Save the Children and Darden can inspire people to take on the world’s biggest challenges. Miles told Beardsley of her travel around the world to more than 80 countries where she has seen families disrupted by everything from war in Syria to poverty in Ethiopia to natural disasters in Nepal, but said she remains inspired by meeting children and the parents who want a better world for them.